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eNetColorado DREAM- Accessing and Sharing High Quality Standards Aligned Content that support the Flipped Classroom
In this session learn how you can access thousands of standards-aligned, high quality content resources and explore resources being provided by over 20 Colorado community and cultural organizations free through eNetColorado’ s DREAM site and Colorado iTunes U. This session will specifically highlight resources and best-practice strategies that can support a “flipped classroom”. See how you can locate, create, upload, share, and align resources to state and common core standards and then assign activities, videos, interactive simulations, and teacher created lessons directly to your students. You will leave this session with a free account in eNetColorado' s Digital Resources Exchange and Marketplace (DREAM) and be able to locate high quality online content and professional development that supports your teaching and learning. You will need to bring a laptop with wireless capabilities! Presenters: Dan Morris and Karen Ortiz from eNet Colorado (If you participated in Dan & Karen's introductory session on DREAM at COLLAB, this will go into much more detail.) 0.5 CEU Recertification Credit will be available at no additional cost, 0.5 Colorado Mesa Graduate Credit will be available for an additional $22.50.
Register here.
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Paraeducator Behavior Management Workshop (Steamboat)
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6/17/2013 (8:00 AM - 4:00 PM) |
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This workshop will give the paraeducator knowledge and skill in instructional methods that will support students who have challenging behaviors. It will focus on the interactions that paraeducators have with students who have challenging behaviors as well as the role paraeducators play assisting the teachers. This workshop is FREE.
Register here.
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DRA2- Digging Into Data
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6/18/2013 (8:30 AM - 4:30 PM) |
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DRA2 Digging Into Data-- This one-day workshop provides a focused learning experience on how to use DRA2 data to make instructional decisions and create instructional groups, as well as how to use data for instructional and resource planning. Participants learn how to allocate instructional materials, group students based on need, and plan effective instruction to ensure growth in reading and literacy. Using the DRA2 resources, educators also learn how to use best practices, making it possible to focus on instruction and integrate teaching methods based on specific student needs. By the end of the workshop, participants will be able to: • Use DRA2 data to make decisions and plan effective instructional strategies for reading growth. • Integrate and identify critical intervention points for the Focus for Instruction. • Disaggregate DRA2 data in order to meet accountability requirements. • Compare student progress with benchmarks by grade level or across school districts. Each teacher needs to bring their own DRA2 kit with them to the training. (If two teachers need to share one kit that is OK, but it is preferable to have one per teacher.) 0.5 CEU Recertification Credit will be available at no additional cost, 0.5 Colorado Mesa Graduate Credit will be available for an additional $22.50.
Register here.
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Paraeducator Reading Fluency Workshop (Steamboat)
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6/18/2013 (8:00 AM - 4:00 PM) |
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This workshop will provide the paraeducator with the information and skills needed to assist classroom teachers in meeting the literacy needs of a variety of students. It deals with the specific area of reading fluency. It prepares paraeducators to understand important fluency concepts and terms, and to use a variety of research-based instructional techniques that improve fluency at the word, phrase, sentence, and connected text levels. This workshop is FREE.
Register here.
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(SS) Differentiate Using Your SMART Board
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6/21/2013 (8:00 AM - 4:00 PM) |
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How to Differentiate Using Your SMART Board-- Learn strategies using your SMART Board to differentiate instruction in your classroom. Create multiple learning options so students of different interests, needs, and learning styles experience equally appropriate ways to learn. Level 2 and 3 Notebook skills will be introduced and used during this class so participants need to have taken at least a Level 1 skills class to attend. This class is focused on implementation of skills rather than the nuts and bolts of using the board. Presenters: Ann Zimmer & Karen Peterson from 0.5 CEU Recertification Credit will be available at no additional cost, 0.5 Colorado Mesa Graduate Credit will be available for an additional $22.50.
Register here.
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Add+VantageMR (Math Recovery)
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6/24/2013- 6/27/2013 (8:30 AM - 4:30 PM) |
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This is a 4-day event focusing on the use of diagnostic assessment to inform instruction. Teachers learn to administer and analyze 3 distinct diagnostic assessment tools providing teachers with a detailed profile of their students’ current understandings of Number Words and Numerals, Structuring Numbers, and Early Addition and Subtraction. The Learning Framework in Number provides stages and levels that pinpoint the child’s understanding. This in-depth analysis provides the basis for designing instruction to accelerate children’s learning. Participants will examine the Classroom Instructional Framework in Early Number and use this framework to reflect upon curriculum demands. Teachers explore how to organize the resulting data and to design lessons that reflect the range of understandings of their students. Exemplary instructional settings will be discussed and incorporated into differentiated lessons. There is a mandatory two-day follow-up that will be scheduled some time in August or September.
2.0 CEU Recertification Credit will be available at no additional cost, 2.0 Colorado Mesa Graduate Credit will be available for an additional $90.
Register here.
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Visualizing & Verbalizing
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8/8/2013 and 8/9/2013 (8:30 AM - 4:30 PM) |
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The Nancibell Visualizing and Verbalizing program develops concept imagery for both oral and written language. Through a series of steps, students learn to create an imaged gestalt and integrate that imagery with language as a basis for language comprehension and thinking.
This workshop is a two day workshop (August 8 & 9) and is presented by Lindamood-Bell. To read more about Visualizing and Verbalizing, please visit their website at Credit: 1.0 CEU recertification credit is available at no additional charge $45 for 1.0 Colorado Mesa Graduate Credit.
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Orton-Gillingham Training
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8/12/2013- 8/16/2013 (8:30 AM - 3:30 PM) |
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Based on the time-tested Orton-Gillingham method of reading instruction, the Institute for Multi-Sensory Education (IMSE) offers a revised and expanded multi-sensory approach that provides students the opportunity for success and benefits every learner. For over a decade, this research-validated approach has been successfully implemented by teachers to empower children at all three tiers of instruction to dramatically reduce reading failure.
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Why Try Level 1 and 2
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8/13/2013 and 8/14/2013 (8:00 AM - 4:00 PM) |
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NW Colorado BOCES (Professional Development) |
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Why Try is a curriculum that helps to motivate the unmotivated student and builds resilience in the classroom. Teach social and emotional principles to youth in a way they can understand and remember. This is accomplished using a series of ten visual analogies. The visual metaphors are then reinforced by music and physical activities. CEU Recertification Credit will be available at no additional cost; 0.5 Graduate Credit will be available for $22.50.
Register here.
Colorado¹s District Sample Curriculum Project- Phase three
This summer, opportunities will exist to help write a curriculum unit that is differentiated for students with unique and specific needs. The curriculum samples developed through CDE this past year are being extended to demonstrate a full instructional unit that reflects an integrated approach and attention to diverse student needs. The writing of units will be a collaborative process a team approach. Travel and lodging expenses will be reimbursed. We are also exploring pre-webinar experiences to establish common ground before the specific team work week. It is our goal to provide every curriculum unit writing team with a gifted education advocate for depth and complexity of unit development. Educators are need for each standard in every grade level and content area. It should prove to be a rewarding professional experience. Applications are being accepted at
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