Grading PLC 2013

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Information on the CSIS Conference

Grading PLC 2012-13


The Grading PLC for 2012-13 is designed to enable participants to share their beliefs about grading while focusing on practical skills like examining standards, investigating how Infinite Campus can be used more effectively, designing assessments and rubrics that match our grading philosophies, and communicating our beliefs about grading to students, parents, and colleagues. 




Meghan Hanson-Peters


Meeting 1- Tuesday, December 18, 4:00- 5:30

Grading philosophies and grading systems; how my grading system supports student achievement; communication of my philosophy and system; success and struggles with my grading system


Meeting 2- Tuesday, January 29, 4:00- 5:30

Traditional grading, proficiency grading, and standards-based grading; what my grade-book looks like; matching my grade-book to my grading philosophy; refining communication; preparing for the Infinite Campus conference


Meeting 3- Tuesday, March 5, 4:00- 5:30

Standards and grade-level expectations; assessments and rubrics


Meeting 4- Tuesday, April 16, 4:00- 5:30

Infinite Campus and technological support for grading


Meeting 5- Tuesday, April 30, 4:00- 5:30

Evolving grading philosophies and systems; needs for the future; suggestions for colleagues, administrators, and district leaders



0.5 Adams State graduate credit is available for participation in all five sessions. 



If you plan to participate please email Meghan Hanson-Peters at by November 30.